New Tech With Wireless Charging Built-In

By Christine Persaud
An interestingly subtle theme at The Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2023), was innovations that integrate wireless charging as an added bonus to the main purpose for which they were intended, offering convenience and versatility for customers. 

Pluto TV & Other TV Streaming Services in Canada You Might Not Know About

By Christine Persaud
Many smaller services like Tubi and Vudu do not work in Canada (unless you have a U.S. account and VPN). But there are other services in Canada that might be right up your alley, including the Pluto TV, which launched in Canada this month through a partnership with Corus Entertainment Inc. Here are a few worth adding to the mix based on your tastes. 

What is “Career Cushioning?”

By Christine Persaud
If the buzzwords in the business space a few months ago were quiet quitting and quiet firing, the latest term to take the business world by storm is “career cushioning.” You might have heard the term in passing, but what does it really mean? 

What’s to come for CES 2023

By Christine Persaud
CES 2023 is back with its annual event, set to take place January 5-8, 2023. As with the last few years, the show will also be available virtually for those who cannot attend, with conference sessions and keynotes streaming online through to the end of February. As far as the show goes, however, what will be on display and what do we have to look forward to? 

How Tech Can Help Seniors in Long-Term-Care Homes Gain Independence

By Christine Persaud
With certain technology, it is possible for able-bodied and minded seniors to remain living at home while still being monitored and remotely cared for by family. But the reality is that this isn’t the case for every senior. Some require 24/7 monitoring and care. In these situations, the solution is Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities. But there are ways tech can help there, too.